Dam Logs

Starting on January 1, 2023, we are putting Dam Logs online through a private form and a camera view of the lake level and water flow rulers.  All the readings are presented in the chart below.

Viewers should note that we have experimented with various placements of the camera used to document these readings and changes to the lake-level ruler and water flow rulers to improve the visibility, accuracy and granularity of measurements. 

Online Dam Log Fields

The Online logs contain the following fields:
•  Timestamp - This is the timestamp of when the log record was submitted via the form
•  Observation Date - This is the date on which the observation was made.  For 2024 this field has observation date and time
•  Observer Initials - This is the initials of the individual making the observation
•  Observation Method - Camera or, in person  (a photo may also be taken)
•  Water Level or Lake Elevation - The is the water level of the lake as observed at the dam, measured as the height below the top of the dam and expressed as a negative number. In other words, -24 means that the water level is 24" below the top of the dam.
•  Water Flow - Water flow over the top stop log in place at the dam.  It is expressed in inches.
•  Dam Height Changes - This is used to indicate if changes were made to the stop logs to Increase water flow (by removing logs) or decrease water flow (by adding logs). For 2024 this field has been replaced to indicate the amount of changes in stop logs.  Water Flow changes are captured separately
•  Change in Water Flow from Stop Log Changes -  This is a measure of how much the water flow was changed by adding or removing logs. It is entered by observing the difference in flow level after making the changes. A positive number represents an increase in the water flow, a negative number represents a decrease in the water flow.  For 2024 this field has been replaced by Water Flow after changes.
•  Photo - This is a link to the Dam Cam (or other) photo taken at the time of observation/ for a specific observation.  These photos are also available in the photo gallery
•  Notes - Any notes captured, such as specific stop log changes, or if debris was spotted or removed.
•  Observation Time - This is the time the observation was made. For 2024 this field is combined with the Observation Date field.

Older & Other Dam Logs

This section of the site will contain copies of older and other dam logs as they are scanned in (and eventually, if we can find a volunteer or funding, converted to digital records).  This is a work in process.

  • Dam Logs maintained by Franklin Hazen from May 4, 2002 to April 15, 2005
  • Dam Logs maintained by Bob Chapin from July 2, 2012 to August 14, 2014
  • Dam Logs maintained by Bob Chapin from August 21, 2022 to January 5, 2023
  • Dam Logs maintained by Dana Watkins from August 20, 2022 to June 4, 2023 - These logs have been reformatted and Dana's values, which are measured at the dam wall outside of the cage have been compared to the measurements taken using the new rulers.  From April 16 on, when we installed the new lake level gauge and moved the camera, the numbers are extremely close and consistent.


P.O. Box 209
South Casco, ME 04077, US

About Us

The Thomas Pond Improvement Association was established in order to preserve, protect and enhance the health of our lake to the benefit of our surroundings/environment.

The Thomas Pond Improvement Association is an IRS registered  501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions may be tax deductible.  It is also possible to donate through Donor Advised Funds.

© 2025 Thomas Pond Improvement Association